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Our centres in Morocco

We'll inform you of your opportunities for migrating to Germany and Europe or within the region - to help you find work or improve your skills. You can also contact us if you've returned to Morocco. We can support you with looking for a job or starting a business, for example. 

The advice given by our centre is available to everyone. It is free of charge, confidential and without obligation.


Here you can choose a location for the consultation:

Beni Mellal

Our services


Our services

The Moroccan-European Information Centre for the Promotion of Labour Mobility and Professional Integration (EIMEA) welcomes you. You can get information and individual advice on the following topics:

  • Job opportunities and training in Morocco
  • Business start-up
  • Psychosocial support and help in emergency situations

We also arrange trainings on various topics:

  • Job search and applications
  • Vocational Training
  • Language courses

Insights into our work

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Starting a business in Morocco: Mouhcine becomes self-employed

After 10 years in Europe, Mouhcine took the risk of returning to Morocco – where he fulfilled his dream of becoming self-employed. Learn here about the support he received with starting a business in his home country of heritage. It is now successfully producing shoes and sandals.

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Eine Frau, deren Gesicht nicht zu erkennen ist, föhnt einer anderen Person die Haare.

The dream of starting a business becomes reality

Chaimae has turned her vocational dream into reality after returning to Morocco: the Moroccan-German Information Centre on Migration and Vocational Integration supported her in opening a hairdressing salon.

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Insights into our work

Mann vor einem Feld

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My new start at an organic nursery

I have created a little green world in my home village in Morocco. It allows me to earn a living and is my contribution towards sustainability.

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Country experiences

“Natural cosmetics is my vocation”

Karima came back to Morocco after 10 years abroad. She started to produce natural cosmetics. Help from EIMA meant she could develop her micro business. And she still has many plans for the future.

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A new start with a hairdressing salon

I had to come back to Morocco after a few years in Europe. Help from EIMA meant I could open my own, modern hairdressing salon. I’m now devoting myself to something I love.

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Success with my grocery shop

It wasn’t easy being back in Morocco. A lot had changed since I left the country as a young boy. But the EIMA really helped me to open my own grocery shop. Now I have a loyal customer base.

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My new start at an organic nursery

I have created a little green world in my home village in Morocco. It allows me to earn a living and is my contribution towards sustainability.

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My goal is to give young people an opportunity

I became self-employed as a logo designer in Morocco – a good decision that I hope will benefit others.

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An independent tailor shop in Morocco

My name is Said and I grew up in the Fès district in Morocco. That's where I learned tailoring. I had the feeling that opportunities would be better elsewhere, so in 2015 I first went to Turkey and then Greece. Eventually I ended up in Germany. At that time I was 30 years old and hoped to find work opportunities in Germany.

More Information >
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