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Using my skills in my own country

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Using my skills in my own country

Now I’m a carpenter fitting out entire restaurants. Only in a roundabout way did I find possibilities to be successful in my dream job.

My name is Amir and I come from Kosovo where I live in Gjilan together with my wife and 5-year-old son. My work as a carpenter is my dream job. I never used to believe it could take me so far in my home country. Yet some support enabled me to realise my dream.

Plenty of enthusiasm: Amir has plans to expand his business.

I already had some experience in working with wood, but was mostly unemployed or only employed for a short time. Repeatedly asking my family for money was difficult for me. In 2013, I decided to try my luck in Germany. I did gain further work experience there, but it soon became clear to me that I was no match for the well-trained competition. My language skills were also insufficient, so I came back here a few months later and shortly after that my wife and I had a son. A lack of regular income meant I could barely provide for my family, which weighed on my mind. I also didn’t have the money to buy tools and construction material. Once again I thought about emigrating with my family.

As a carpenter, Amir fits out entire restaurants.

Employer for other craftsmen

In my search for a way out, I came across the German Information Centre for Migration, Vocational Training and Career (DIMAK) in Pristina. My advisor there talked to me about my interests and my plans for the future. I explained that I would really like to work independently. DIMAK referred me to the Mother Teresa Organisation. This is where I was trained in working with wood and was able to greatly improve my skills. After I completed my training, I received a grant for my business equipment in the form of tools and machines.

Renewed optimism: Amir in his workshop

I’m gradually expanding my business. Initially I mostly produced wooden kitchen tools and furniture. Now I’m fitting out entire restaurants and employ other craftspeople in my workshop. I’m also employed as a department manager at a DIY store. My work means a lot to me and I have a lot of confidence in myself. In future I’d like to be realising major projects involving 50 or 60 craftspeople.

As of: 12/2020

My work means a lot to me and I have a lot of confidence in myself.

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