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Encouraging exchange

Encouraging exchange

Twice I left Ghana for Europe, twice I returned. Thanks to the Ghanaian-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (GGC) I now have an optimistic outlook for my future.

My name is Afia*, I am 48 years old and come from Apesokubi, a small town in the Oti region of Ghana. I was trained in dressmaking, but it did not provide sufficient income. I sought my fortune in Germany and later again in the Netherlands, without success.

In 2017, I returned to Ghana for good – partly because I had suffered personal blows of fate. With the little money I had, I rented a room in Kasoa, in the centre of the country, and ran a small-scale trading business. However, the business did not go well and soon collapsed.

Learnt about the GGC from a friend

One day, a friend told me about the Ghanaian-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (GGC) and introduced me to an advisor, Ernestina Adu. She listened to my story and conducted a so-called needs assessment. After my first meeting with her I felt very relieved – finally someone had taken time for me.

I participated in a “handholding session” organised by the GGC, where I met other returnees. This really helped me with my fresh start in Ghana. The meeting made me realise that I was not alone with my story. We exchanged experiences and formed new ideas and friendships.

During my second counselling session at the GGC, I was referred to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), with whom the centre cooperates closely. The IOM provided me with a freezer and some products to sell in my new grocery shop. The organisation also enabled my enrolment in a series of courses on basic bookkeeping and inventory skills. Under the GIZ Migration and Employment Programme, I received further equipment for my shop.

New knowledge and new courage

Ernestina Adu, who accompanied me throughout this time, still keeps in touch with me. In our conversations, I often tell her about my progress. The practical tips from the course for entrepreneurs were very helpful.

I recently I took part in another training course for returnees. The participants there were in a situation similar to mine. This motivated me even more to pursue my restart as best as I can and to realise my dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Today I am optimistic about the future.


As of: 01/2021

After my first meeting with a GGC advisor I felt very relieved – for the first time someone had taken time for me.
Afia*, Ghana

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