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A happy shop owner in Pakistan

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A happy shop owner in Pakistan

My name is Muhammad and I come from the town of Jamke Cheema. I lived in Germany for a long time and worked in different jobs there, such as in restaurants and at a construction site. But I felt lonely, and I missed my family.

I opened shops in Pakistan

When I came back to Pakistan, I opened a wholesale shop selling cosmetics and perfumes. After about eight or nine good months, my business started making a loss because of the corona pandemic. But I still had some money to start another business, so I opened a small shop in Jamke Cheema.

Support helped me to become successful

Then a friend of mine told me about the Pakistani-German Facilitation and Reintegration Centre (PGFRC). I got in touch with them, and they offered me training and support on how to develop my business. The training course taught me how to deal with customers and how to interact with the market. I didn’t have enough money to stock my shop enough for it to be a viable business, so the PGFRC helped me with this. The wider range of goods meant that my business took off.

Now I’m living with my wife and children in my own country, in my home region. I’m blessed to be living a happy life. 

As of: 02/2022

Now I’m living with my wife and children in my own country, in my home region. I’m blessed to be living a happy life.

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