“It’s clear to me now. I’d never go back to Germany again”, says Mile Paul. This single father with four daughters has now returned to Serbia with his family. With assistance from the German Information Centre for Migration, Training and Career (DIMAK), he wants to make sure that his children have a good future in Serbia. Advisor Tamara Vučenović is assisting the family with organising schooling and training.
After coming back home, the family is focusing on education and training

After coming back home, the family is focusing on education and training

Radmila (17), Elizabeta (15) and Senada (12) live together with their father and grandfather in a small town to the north of Belgrade. The oldest daughter stayed in Germany. Radmila completed a course in Serbia as a make-up artist after leaving school: “I had hoped to find a job right away. But there aren’t many work opportunities here in our province, and the corona pandemic made things even more difficult”, she says. Although she’s not giving up. Like her father, she’s using the time to further her education. Together with Tamara Vučenović she is learning how to write job applications. “Now I know what a good CV looks like and one of these days I’ll be offered my first job!”

Exploring career interests at an early stage
“DIMAK adopts an holistic approach, and takes the entire family into account”, says Tamara Vučenović. “We’re assisting the father to get back on his feet again. And at the same time, we’re attending to his daughter’s needs.” 15-year-old Elizabeta is interested in catering. DIMAK and local partners are enabling her to take part in a cookery course. This will allow Elizabeta to explore whether this is the right path for her. Senada, the youngest, is attending a nearby school. “All of these young ladies are very bright, and they are keen to learn and work hard”, says Vučenović. Motivation and a willingness to try out new things – both these aspects are important for a successful new start in Serbia. The advisor is convinced that the Paul family will get on the right track.
As of: 12/2020