The phones are constantly ringing, but there’s no sign of stress. Selar is an advisor in the German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq (GMAC) in Erbil and looks forward to every call. She does admittedly miss the personal contact due to the restrictions caused by the corona pandemic, but nevertheless Selar and her colleagues continue to provide counselling. They help with job placements and starting a business, but they also provide referrals regarding psychosocial support, for example.
“It’s important to me as an advisor for my client to know that I’m always there to give tips and help with reintegration. It doesn’t matter whether it’s to do with a legal aspect, business advice or a personal issue”, says Selar. The advisor loves her job: “I really enjoy it when people put our suggestions on setting up a business into practice, for example. Or when returnees tell me some time afterwards that the counselling changed their lives for the better.”